Google Scandal (Click here to read)

I Won! (JUNE 2020)
It's proven that google said lies! ;)

In 2018, GOOGLE tricked the whole world..!
due to an impossible security BUG,
which found by "MYSELF" and reported to GOOGLE in "2016"
I accessed to Google's ALL USERS' DATA!

In this web page, you are going to see all of my proofs. I'm going to explain to you one by one... First of all, please look at and investigate my 2016 dated news and Google's 2018 offical announcement.

Here we go! Click on it...

Hi there, whoever you are...
Welcome! :)

My name is Dogukan Ozkan from Turkiye. I'm a university graduated computer programmer. They call me: "white hat security researcher" or in the other words: "bug hunter" ..I'm one of these since 2010. This is my greatest skill... In the beggining, I found so many bugs at facebook. That was really "hacking" ..The Facebook patched all the bugs which I reported them. Then I found a bug at Twitter's Periscope. That was also "hacking" (did they patch it? I don't know. They just thanked me.)

During these years, I found too many bugs. Finally, I found a GRAND bug at Google in 2016! Which could absolutely cause World War 3! Which could be a big "SCANDAL" in the whole world..! Then I reported this grand bug to "Google Security Team" ..They replied and told to me: " -this is normal- -this is not a bug- -these are public informations!- " ..But they weren't PUBLIC..! This was really an imposible bug which I found at Google! My words aren't enough to explain this! How could google have a bug such as this!? But google did! Google had it! They told to me "this is not a bug" -BECAUSE THEY HAD TO..!- If they accepted and confirmed this bug, then google would be in a big big big trouble. That's why, google security team eliminated me...

First, I FOUND this GRAND bug on March 2016.
Then I REPORTED it 7 months later on October 2016.

After 3 years (21.1.2020), I REALISED the bug which I found was FIXED. At first, i wasn't so surprised. But suddenly I remembered the news: "Google plus will shutdown!" Immediately I searched on internet: "Why did google plus shutdown?" and the results were shocked me! "Google plus will shutdown due to a BUG!" I couldn't believe in my eyes! Then I read the news. I was about to cry! Because in the news, Google was explaining this bug with using MY OWN WORDS, word by word! Then I shocked again! -Google plus bug- is completely about the bug which I reported them. In ALL the internet news there were SAME words which I wrote to google security team! Yes, really I was about to cry! I'm sure that you can understand how I feel when i saw these...

In 2018, Google confessed that the bug was REAL, BUT didn't say: "BUG found by Dogukan Ozkan in 2016" Google said: "Bug found by google security team" When I first found this GRAND bug in 2016, I said: "Google won't able to fix it!" Because I accessed all of google+ accounts by using google's own (.exe) application. Even google wanted to completely fix this Google+ bug, google had to entirely shutdown this (.exe) application. But google didn't shutdown this .EXE program. In 2018, google shutdown the entire GOOGLE PLUS. Because: as long as "google plus" exists, I or -maybe someone else- will able to use this GRAND bug again. As far as I solved this interesting puzzle, I finalized, the result was: "google didn't want to take responsibility again" That's why, google security team made a desicion: "Google Plus must be shut down!"

Most of you already know the news: "Google plus will shutdown due to a bug" But what was this bug? What could it cause?
This GRAND bug gave to me FULL ACCESS to reach all of google accounts and their informations; phone numbers, mobile numbers, profile pictures, addresses, e-mail addresses, notes etc... -anything users saved to their google accounts- BUT excluding their passwords, conversations etc... I had ACCESS to all accounts and too many informations although they were hidden by google users, although they were not PUBLIC..! I had got all accounts what google has. I don't mean that I access to one account or hundreds of accounts, I mean "ALL ACCOUNTS" that google have! (Google said 52,5 million accounts affected, yes, when I said -I have 'ALL ACCOUNTS' that google have, that's what I meant! I accessed to 52,5 million accounts! -maybe more-)

In 2016, what happened in my country when i announced this bug?
I went to two different News Agency. One of these never believed my story and didn't publish. Then I went to the other one. The second News  agency was not sure either but believed in me and published my story. Unfortunately, after hours they erased the source news. I didn't understand why. Maybe google called them to cancel the news. But my "Google+ Bug news" already spreaded to other Turkish News websites! Thanks God I'm so happy now. I'm so happy because I have so many screenshots and real proofs! :) With these proofs you will easily see what I said is REAL, literally TRUE...

Note: Sadly, some of -so called- technology websites said: "troll hacker's fake news" They are not well-intentioned! They tried to make fun of me! I sent so many messages to them to explain the real story but they didn't even reply me back. DON'T WORRY, they will have to apologize to ME soon..! ;) Anyway, if you search my name "Dogukan Ozkan" on Internet you can see what kind of person I really am and you can find my other hacking news and too many headlines about me... 

I thought that I had to find my proofs again. So, I decided to search my outlook inbox for e-mails which google security team sent to me in 2016. BUT there weren't e-mails which google sent to me! I was so surprised! The e-mails which I sent to google was available BUT the e-mails which google replied to me was disabled or ERASED..! Because when I tried to reach the e-mails, I couldn't able to find them. Maybe "GOOGLE" requested from "MICROSOFT" to erase these e-mails, my proofs of Google+ Bug! Who knows...

What an intresting story, isn't it? :) If you want to be sure what I said to you is TRUE or overstatement, what you need to do is very simple, you  just crosscheck 2016 dated my Google+ Bug news and 2018 dated news and then, very easily, you'll see what I said to you is "THE REAL TRUTH" ..Google didn't give me my "BUG BOUNTY" ..Google didn't write my name to HALL OF FAME. This is not fair! I want what I deserve. I want THE REAL TRUTH to come out. I want the WHOLE world to know my story! That's all...

Thank you for listening to me...

Best Regards,
Dogukan Ozkan :)